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Thoughts on The National Day of Reflection

Today is national #DayOfReflection and we at Kirkstall Precision will be joining the nation in remembering all of our loved ones that we have lost during the pandemic, with a minute’s silence at noon.

A year on from when Boris Johnson the Prime Minister asked us all to stay at home protect the NHS and save lives.

The Covid-19 Pandemic will go down in history as the pandemic which virtually switched of the global economy to avoid human to human contact even with loved ones.

The world changed like never before, new words and phrases entered our vocabulary and would become lasting every day phrases, “Covid-19”, “Pandemic”, Furlough”, Social Distancing”, “2 Meter Rule” and “Self-Isolation”.

New actions of recognition , clapping for our service heroes every Thursday evening .

During the start of the pandemic, you could not even comprehend what you heard or saw in the media, “A roll of toilet paper was worth more than a barrel of oil”

At Kirkstall Precision being a key supplier the world’s leading medical instrument supplier, it was our duty stay operational, in the work place it was all about adaptability, flexibility, innovation evolution, employee safety, providing Covid safe work place.

With the flick of a switch, we went from manufacturing orthopaedic devices to ventilator parts, working in partnership with Rolls Royce and DHL. Giving back to the medical sector “People Before Profits”

To sail through these unchartered waters and this Covid-19 storm we had to adapt and flex, the support from the government for the economy was remarkable, The furlough scheme, CIBLS Loans, differed payments, bounce back loans, were key to the survival of many companies.

Microsoft Teams, Zoom, working from home became essential to communicate with the outside world safely.

This Pandemic will leave lasting memory it has changed the world and how we do business in the future. It will change behaviours for this generation and the next. It has demonstrated how we can all pull together as a nation in times of disaster and come through the other side even stronger.

Iqbal Bahia

Operations Director, Kirkstall Precision Engineering